Aspirations - Cheltenham Literature Festival 2023
We had a fantastic morning listening to Rob Biddulph’s journey. The children were inspired hearing how him winning a school art competition in reception has lead him to be a best selling author and illustrator! He talked about the importance of resilience and valuing mistakes as they are all part of the journey.
Reception Class - June 2023 - NSPCC: Pants
The children in Oak class have been learning the PANTS rule with NSPCC. Please visit the link for more information:
Autumn 1 2023
This term the children will learn that there our three different types of microbes: viruses, bacteria and fungi. The children will understand some microbes can be useful and some can be harmful. Through practical lessons the children will learn how washing hands can help remove microbes and how coughing and sneezing can spread microbes. We will also learn the importance of brushing our teeth and limiting sugary foods and drinks to prevent tooth decay
Children's Mental Health Week
Chestnut Class
Reception - Oral Health - February 2023
We have been learning about how to keep our teeth clean. The children had a go at cleaning the large-scale teeth.
For more information about keeping your child's teeth clean:
The one act of kindness (OAKs) challenge that Oak and Chestnut classes started last year has grown. We have been overwhelmed by your kindness and support. This means a lot to our school community, but even more to the people who will receive these thoughtful Christmas boxes.
Fire Safety
In the lead up to bonfire night, the whole school learnt about fire safety. Years 4, 5 and 6 took part in the national Resus Ranger's Fireworks Safety Assembly. EYFS and years 1 and 2, learnt about fire safety rules around fireworks, bonfires and sparklers. EYFS then applied their knowledge to safely enjoy a sparkler in their outside area!
Healthy Eating and Cooking
Upper KS2 had a great time preparing and cooking a healthy spaghetti bolognaise. They included lots of vegetables and learnt how to chop them correctly and safely. They expanded their practical knowledge of how to make healthy food swaps, such as using wholemeal spaghetti. Yummy!
Children's Mental Health Week 7th - 13th February
This year's theme was about growing together emotionally and finding ways to help each other grow. Challenges and setbacks can help us to grow and adapt and trying new things can help us to move beyond our comfort zone into a new realm of possibility and potential.
We celebrated with lots of fun activities. We took part in national Dress to Express day, all the children wore fun clothes to express who they are. We planted cress seeds and talked about how we can't always see the growth immediately but that doesn't mean things aren't growing and changing. Classes set goals and celebrated the growth they have made already this year. Chance to Shine cricket road show was a fantastic way to support our wellbeing by keeping active. Years 2 and 3 had a brilliant time at Vinney Hill on a wellbeing trip, pupils were pushed out of their comfort zones and developed their resilience.
Anti-Bullying Week 2021
This year we kick-started our Anti-Bullying week with odd socks day. Everyone is unique and 'odd' and the differences are what makes us all so special. We celebrated the theme of 'One Kind Word' by lots of different kindness activities.
Some of wonderfully responsible Year 6 pupils sold Anti-Bullying merchandise to raise money for the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
Anti-Bullying Week - November 2020
To kick start our Anti-Bullying week , the children wore odd socks to school on Monday to celebrate their differences and show that they are United Against Bullying. All classes took part in lots of Anti-Bullying activities that focused on being united to stop bullying. Everyone made a pledge of what they can do to help show that they are united, Oak Class showed this through a friendship heart.
September 2020
E-Bug - Public Health England's infection prevention and control teaching
All classes enjoyed learning about microbes, hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, food hygiene and antibiotics through a series of fun experiments.
Yeast experiment to learn about useful microbes.
Yeast experiment to learn about useful microbes.
Hand hygiene - learning about the spread of harmful microbes.
Hand hygiene - learning about the spread of harmful microbes.
Respiratory hygiene - learning about how far germs are carried when you sneeze!
Respiratory hygiene - learning about how far germs are carried when you sneeze!
Hand hygiene - learning about the spread of harmful microbes.
Hand hygiene - learning about the spread of harmful microbes.
How clean are your hands?
How clean are your hands?
Respiratory hygiene - learning about how far germs are carried when you sneeze!
Respiratory hygiene - learning about how far germs are carried when you sneeze!
Anti-Bullying Week - November 2019 - Chestnut Class
Chestnut read the book ‘I’m special I am me’ and discussed what makes a good friend. The children then discussed what they need to do to become an even better friend. The children came up with ideas such as asking others to play with them more, making sure they say sorry straight away and to help each other if someone is hurt.
We the discussed what ‘bullying’ means, Miss Hek explained that it is when someone is doing something unkind on purpose and more than once.
Anti-Bullying Week - November 2019 - Sycamore Class
The children were given a card with an example of bullying. We explored other examples of bullying rather than just physical bullying. In small groups the children had to act out the type of bullying that the group had on their card. They then looked at how they could resolve this and acted this out.
Buddy Reading Time - June 2019
The children in Reception really enjoy reading to their Year 6 buddies every week.
Achieve, Believe, Belong - May 2019
Beech class completed a mind map to reflect upon what the school core values mean to them.
Newent Cookery Sessions - May 2019
As part of our commitment to teaching the children about healthy cooking we arranged for the children to attend a cookery workshop with Pippa from Newent Secondary School.
The children learnt about kitchen safety, food preparation, cookery skills and cleaning skills.
Chestnut Autumn 2
In this unit children have discussed their likes and dislikes and recognising their positive qualities and appreciating their individuality. Children have recognised different emotions and explored different strategies to help them manage any uncomfortable feelings they experience.
Our act of kindness this term was packing shoeboxes for the Rotary Shoebox Charity
Anti-bullying week 2023
We began the week by celebrating ‘odd socks day’ because we are all different and that is something that should be celebrated! Classes then took part in a range of activities exploring this year's theme of bullying or banter.
Chestnut Class watching ‘Make a noise about bullying’
Children's Mental Health Week 2023
During the week, classes held their own discussion-focussed assemblies about the importance of looking after their own mental health and took part in some fun activities. On Friday, the whole-school took part in a wellbeing activity designed to support this year's theme of 'Let's Connect'. Children moved around a series of challenges and activities in their house teams.
Anti Bullying Week
We kickstarted anti bullying week by taking part in ‘Odd Socks Day’ to show how ‘odd’ and unique we all are and celebrate our differences with respect. Then we all joined the live national anti bullying assembly. We will take part in lots of activities this week, exploring how we can spread kindness and friendship. We know it is everyone’s responsibility to put a stop to bullying.
Black History Month
Each class learnt about significant BAME people from history, and present day. They explored how they impacted important changes in history and the changes happening now. We enjoyed reading our rich library of BAME authors and KS1 and EYFS were inspired from Look Up! by Nathan Bryon to create this fantastic artwork.
Chestnut class have been discussing different types of behaviours. We have discussed the difference between, friendly joking, teasing and bullying. The children had different behaviour scenarios which we discussed if it was friendly joking, teasing or bullying.
On Tuesday 23rd November, children from Sycamore and Willow went to visit Majid E Noor Mosque and Gloucester Cathedral.
We enjoyed a talk from Imam Hassan then we learnt how Muslims wash before praying, what clothes they wear and how Muslims pray. Imam Hassan spoke about the Five Pillars of Islam and tested us on what we knew.
After our visit to the Mosque, we visited the Cathedral. We had a tour of the Cathedral and learnt about its history through time. Then we got involved in craft activities which were set up to help us remember key points in the Cathedral's history.
Healthy Eating Week
Year 1 made healthy rice cakes with fruit toppings!
Autumn Term 1 - One Act of Kindness (OAK) Challenge
This term all of the classes have taken part in the OAKs challenge. They explored what kindness means and different ways to show kindness. All of the classes decided on their own way to spread some kindness in the local community.
Oak and Chestnut Class - worked together to make shoeboxes for the Christmas shoebox appeal.
Beech Class - created a kindness tree.
Sycamore Class - went litter picking in the local area.
Willow Class - had a cake sale to raise money for their chosen charity of Cancer Research.
Fire Safety
All classes learnt about Fire Safety this week. Lots of us will be going to bonfire events so it was really important to recap safety rules for handling sparklers and being around fires and fireworks. Chestnut class practiced 'STOP, DROP and ROLL'.
Road Safety Week - November 2020
To celebrate road safety week, Oak Class learnt the Green-Cross-Code and then went outside to practice it!
World Mental Health Day 2020
To celebrate World Mental Health Day we all took 'one hour out'.
Each class took one hour out of their normal timetable to focus on their wellbeing. Classes chose different wellbeing activities to take part in like, yoga, reading, mindful colouring and connecting with friends. It was a lovely opportunity for the children to focus on what helps their wellbeing and ways to positively support their mental health.
September 2020
Make me a Superhero!
Resilience is the ability to recover quickly from difficulties. Everyone faces difficulties in their life. It is the way that we deal with those difficulties which is important. As part of our school's 'Recovery Curriculum' we started the academic year by following 'Make me a Superhero!' a series of lessons which focus on resilience building. Throughout the year, we will continue to revisit these lessons and build on the skills that we learnt and developed.
Children's Mental Health Week 3rd - 7th February
This week we have been raising awareness of children's mental health. Oak class have enjoyed a range of activities linked to developing a positive mindset.
Chestnut class enjoying mindfulness.
Anti-bullying week - November 2019 - Oak Class
We have been focusing on kindness.
We have talked to the children about the importance of being kind. We discussed the different ways we can show kindness.
We then did the apple experiment. We passed an apple around the circle while saying unkind things. We then passed another apple around the circle while saying kind things. Finally we cut the apples open to see the effect our words and actions had on the apple.
The children were able to talk about emotions - happy and sad.
Reception - Yoga - November 2019
Oak class are really enjoying their yoga sessions with Caroline. We are learning to calm and relax alongside breathing techniques. We are also learning to control our bodies and complete different yoga poses.
Mental Health Week - May 2019
During 'Mental Health' week each class participated in activities linked to developing understanding of what mental health is and what we can do to promote good mental health in ourselves and others.
Sycamore class completed an activity called 'What are my best qualities?' to raise their self esteem and positive attitudes towards themselves.
Mental Health
Mental health is precious,
It's all about your mind,
you might feel sad or lonely,
or even pushed aside!
Don't keep your problems inside you,
you will feel even worse,
don't carry them around with you or leave them in the ditch.
You'd never know what happens, If you tell some you trust,
because if you do you'll feel, like your in a trance.
You'll feel as calm as calmness
and always you will trust.
By April (Sycamore Class)