British Values

Please see the "Statutory Information" section for more information on how we promote British Values at Ellwood School and how they are embedded in to the curriculum. 

How many British values are there?

So, how many British values are there? There are five British values, although the final two values are sometimes counted as just one value.

What are these five British values?

So, what are the fundamental British values?

They are:

  • democracy
  • the rule of law
  • individual liberty
  • mutual respect
  • tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

There are many ways in we promote and support British values throughout the school. Here are some examples relating to each British value.


Pupils, parents, and staff  have the right to have their voices heard. This is achieved through a pupil-elected school council, in which class representatives raise issues and suggest ideas for improvement. Parents and guardians are given the opportunity to express any concerns or queries through parent meetings, parents' evenings and surveys.

The rule of law

The importance of rules and law should be referred to and reinforced to teach children to distinguish between right and wrong. The rule of law in British values teaches children to take responsibility for their own actions. Children are taught the reasons behind rules and laws, how they govern and protect us, and the consequences of what happens when these laws are broken. We invite guest speakers to the school and allow children to get involved in workshops to reinforce this teaching e.g. PCSO/Police visit.

Individual liberty

At Ellwood School, we promote freedom of choice and the right to respectfully express views and beliefs in a safe environment. We teach children to take responsibility for their behaviour. They are supported to understand that they have rights and freedoms and are advised on how to exercise these safely. Pupils are supported to become as independent as possible. This is demonstrated in various ways, for example, through PSHE lessons and assemblies.

Mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths or beliefs

Children are taught how to respect those from different backgrounds. For example, regular opportunities to learn about different cultures and beliefs will reinforce messages of respect and tolerance in British values. This allows them to understand that others may have religions and beliefs that differ from their own and to respect these differing viewpoints.

As a school, the main teaching principles for children learning about British values is to:


  • Encourage respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic processes, including respect for the basis on which the law is made and applied.
  • Enable children to distinguish right from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law system.
  • Enable children to develop their self-knowledge, self-esteem, and self-confidence.
  • Encourage children to accept responsibility for their behaviour, show initiative, and understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely.
  • Enable children to acquire a broad general knowledge of and respect for public institutions and services.
  • Further tolerance and harmony between different cultural traditions by enabling children to acquire an appreciation for and respect for their own and other cultures.
  • Encourage respect for other people.


Prevent duty and fundamental British values

Prevent Duty and fundamental British values work synonymously together, as they both send the same messages that are intended to deter young people from becoming victims of radicalisation and extremism in Britain. The aim of British values is to encourage children to have tolerance for different belief systems. By teaching British values, schools, in effect, combine these elements of safeguarding, prevent duty, and British values together.

The early years foundation stage (EYFS)

Teachers at Ellwood Primary School can support British values in EYFS settings through explicit discussions and implicitly by modelling British values during everyday activities and interactions.

The five British values are interwoven within the EYFS areas of learning and development and the guiding principles that help to shape practice in early years settings. In the EYFS class at Ellwood Primary School, children are taught how to be kind, respectful, and tolerant of others. Differences are celebrated in early years as children are taught that it is our differences that make us unique. This supports children's understanding that others may have different cultures, faiths, and traditions.

Here are just a few examples of how these values are promoted in EYFS settings.

Democracy in EYFS

At Ellwood Primary School, we include simple ways of ensuring that EYFS children are aware that their opinions, and those of their peers, are valued and taken into account. Children should also be encouraged to take ownership and lead their own learning, for example, by allowing children to access their own continuous provision resources. Children can also be allowed to vote and to be supported to understand that the option with the most votes wins. For example, when deciding which song to sing first during a music-themed carpet-time activity.

Individual liberty in EYFS

Individual liberty includes helping children to make their own decisions and encouraging them to understand that the choices they make can have an impact on their peers. Allowing children to feel safe in order to share their emotions and promoting ways of improving children's self-confidence are important elements of the individual liberty value. We value each child as an individual. 

The rule of law in EYFS

We try to ensure that our children know the rules and that rules are put in place to keep them safe, healthy, and happy. The rule of law in British values is supported by implementing simple rules, such as allowing a set amount of children at an activity or having set routines such as tidy-up times, class rules and activity rules. These rules are also good ways of implementing age-appropriate rules and boundaries in EYFS settings.

Mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs in EYFS

Supporting the respect and tolerance British values element within EYFS settings includes helping children to respect one another's varying views and opinions. One example of how we support this is by planning how the children can learn about and take part in celebrating many different festivals and events from the religious calendar such as: Christmas, Diwali.

We strive to ensure we show diversity such as through; stories, visits, visitors, trips, multicultural photos p, resources and pictures featuring a diverse range of people from various cultures and backgrounds as a simple way of helping to broaden children's understanding of the wonderful diversity within the world in which we live.


School Council
The children in Year 3 that wanted to be considered for school council have been busy telling the class why they should have their vote. Two new candidates of been voted in for year 3 for this year.
We have purchased some lovely new books for the classes linked to : Feelings, Families, Diversity, Friends & Worries and Fears. These are such lovely, beautifully illustrated books. We hope the children enjoy having access to them in the classes -  “We are the same but different” reading baskets.