Moral Development

Moral development at Ellwood is achieved by:
  • Providing a clear moral code for behaviour which is promoted consistently through all aspects of the school e.g. Behaviour Policy; our class Rules; School Council Assemblies, School Values
  • Promoting racial, religious and other forms of equality (Racial, Inclusion, Equal Opportunities, SEN policies)
  • Giving pupils opportunities to explore and develop moral concepts and values throughout the curriculum e.g. truth, justice, equality of opportunity, right and wrong (PSHE; RE; History; English; Assembly; Drama; School Council; Community Police officer visits)
  • Developing an open and safe learning environment in which pupils can express their views and practise moral decision making (School Council; Drama; Safeguarding policy & practice)
  • Rewarding expressions of moral insights and good behaviour (Celebration Assembly; behaviour charts; house points; Roles of responsibility e.g. roles in class, buddies, playground monitors )
  • Modelling through the quality of relationships and interactions the principles we wish to promote e.g. fairness, integrity, respect for persons, pupil welfare, respect for minority interests, resolution of conflict keeping promises and contracts. (Whole school events; Celebration Assemblies; Assembly themes)
  • Recognising and respecting different cultural groups represented in the school and the wider community. (Celebration of religious festivals in RE and assemblies)
  • Encouraging children to take responsibility for their actions e.g. respect for property, care of the environment and code of behaviour (Behaviour Policy; school values, Class Rules, Assembly themes)
  • Providing models of moral standards through the curriculum (English; History; RE; PSHE; Assembly; Drama)
Food bank 
We collected food for the food bank in our Harvest festival and donated 122.65kg of food. We really try hard to help people in our local community.
In PSHE/Life skills lessons we learn a lot about making the right choices, being kind and following rules. We work together to come up with solutions and we enjoy learning about of school values. All of our values link to our moral development.
At school we have an Eco club. We know that it is important to look after animals, plants and our environment. 
Poppy Appeal
We enjoyed collecting donations for the Poppy Appeal. 
2023-2024 Learning
Chestnut and Beech class enjoyed meeting Rob Holmes the  who has written the book ‘Wise Owl’ which is all about mindfulness. The children asked some great questions and we found out that Rob lives in Devon, enjoys making others happy, has made lots of bookmarks for children all over the country and he is the author of 4 books! He is about start his 5th book which will be ready in the Autumn.
In our assembly we met PCSO Tom.

We learnt about ‘stranger danger’ and the importance of knowing who our trusted adults are.
We have a school council with members from all KS1 and KS2 classes. The children present  themselves as candidates and must write and deliver a speech to explain why they would be a good school council member. We follow a democratic process to select the representatives in each class. School council have the power to run whole-school events, makes changes to school life and present a voice from their class. 
The Rule of Law 
All pupils, staff and parents/carers know the expectations and rules that they must follow as part of our school community. Classes create their own additional rules at the start of each year and they follow those, alongside our whole-school golden rules. 
Anti-Bullying week 2022 
The whole-school took part in 'Odd Socks Day' to celebrate that everyone is different and that being unique is what makes us so special. Classes then took part in live assemblies and activities related to the theme of anti0bullying and being a kind friend. We discussed the moral implications of bullying an the consequences of making the wrong choices.