
Computing at Ellwood Community Primary 

Ellwood Community Primary School’s mission statement:

As computer experts we browse safely, code and create to present our ideas digitally.

Computing: Intent, Implementation and Impact
Computing: Policy
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Computing: Skills and Knowledge Progression Overview
Our Computing Curriculum
Our Curriculum is carefully designed to ensure all year groups are achieving their year group objectives and at the end of KS1 and KS2 they are meeting the National Curriculum expectations. Our mission is for children to become computer experts, to browse safely and to code and create to present their ideas digitally. Our curriculum is designed to equip children with life in the ever changing digital world. It is important that our curriculum is up to date as technology is always changing and evolving; our curriculum outlines the skills and knowledge for each year group to ensure children leave school with technology skills that they will need in the next stage of their education Each year we revisit and recap children's prior knowledge of online safety and children then complete a sequence of lessons throughout the Autumn Term.
In every lesson we encourage collaboration, specifically using pair programming and peer instruction, and also structured group tasks. Working together stimulates classroom dialogue, articulation of concepts and development of shared understanding. Through our computing curriculum children will develop their resilience and personal growth through programming lessons. Children will use their problem solving skills to support them in becoming resilient learners and will be encouraged to use a positive attitude when facing difficult tasks.

Teachers will refer online safety throughout the year and ensure children are aware of how to keep safe online. Parents are also updated through newsletters using #wakeupwednesday materials. Every year we take part in Safer Internet Day and complete activities.  

EYFS -  ‘Technology’ strand has now been removed from ‘Understanding the World’. However, we live in a technological world and there is no escape from the reality that technology is integrated into the lives of young children. Just as we ensure the children in our care are ready for the adult world by teaching them maths and literacy, we should also make sure that they are fluent in computer literacy and all-important e-safety. At Ellwood Community Primary our Computing scheme for the EYFS is centered around play-based, unplugged (no computer) activities that focus on building children’s listening skills, curiosity and creativity and problem solving. Children will take part in ‘Internet Safety’ week to cover the following aspects:

Technology in the Early Years can mean:

  • taking a photograph with a camera or tablet
  • searching for information on the internet
  • playing games on the interactive whiteboard
  • exploring an old typewriter or other mechanical toys
  • using a Beebot
  • watching a video clip
  • listening to music
  • learning how to keep safe online


British Values within Computing

Children at Ellwood Community School celebrate diversity and demonstrate the following values whilst learning about computing by:



  • Listening to everyone's ideas to form a majority.
  • Working as part of a team and collaborating to use computing devices effectively.

The Rule of Law

  • Developing knowledge of lawful computing behaviours.
  • Demonstrating respect for computing laws.

Individual Liberty

  • Taking responsibility for our computing behaviours.
  • Challenging stereotypes and bias.
  • Exercising rights and personal freedoms safely through knowledge of online safety.


  • Learning that their computing behaviours affect their rights and those of others.
  • Understanding what is meant by online bullying and do not tolerate it.


  • Showing respect for other cultures when undertaking research using computing devices.
  • Providing opportunities for pupils of all backgrounds to achieve in computing.
Advice for parents 
DITTO Magazine 
A key part of implementing our computing curriculum was to ensure that safety of our pupils is paramount.
We take online safety very seriously and we aim to give children the necessary skills to keep themselves safe online. Children have a right to enjoy childhood online, to access safe online spaces and to benefit from all the opportunities that a connected world can bring them, appropriate to their age and stage.
Parents/Carers please read the links below.

Ditto is an online safety magazine written for parents and school staff. It is released every half term and will keep you up to date with the latest advice in cyber safety.

You can find out more about Ditto magazine at:

We will be taking part in Internet Safety Day on Tuesday 7th February 

2023-2024 Learning
The children in Willow have been learning about BBC MicroBits, they have learnt how to add and change the variables, they created a variety of uses such as a pedometer, polling tool and counter. They enjoyed challenging themselves whilst working on them. 

Autumn Term 1

Year 5 children are learning how to stay safe online, how to deal with online bullying, the importance of not sharing personal information online, what an online reputation is and how technology can affect their health and well being. They will compare the differences between online bullying and create scenarios as how to deal with bullying and who they can talk to when they feel unsafe online. 


Year 6 children are learning how to stay safe online, how to capture evidence on an online device, how to create a positive reputation online, how to manage personal passwords safely and be aware of strategies to help protect themselves online. They will will take screengrabs of information online and discuss their digital footprint and how to manage the time spent online.

2022-2023 Learning 
Beech Class Spring 1
This term Beech class are developing our word processing skills. We really enjoyed learning about touch typing.
Year 4 Online Safety from PC Darren Peters-Monday 5th December
Year 4 were respectful when we had a visit from PC Darren Peters to talk about online safety. From our computing lessons and watching "In the Net" earlier in the year, we had some brilliant answers to questions with mature and well-thought out responses. 
Sycamore 2022-2023
As part of Sycamore's online safety unit the children have been understanding what the words 'health' and 'wellbeing' mean. 'Health' referring to the mental and physical condition of a person or living thing and 'wellbeing' refers to the state of you mind, health and happiness. Lots of discussions took place about how online technology can affect our health and wellbeing. Children then thought about the positive effects that online technology can have on our health and wellbeing.
W/C 10.10.22
This week Sycamore class had the opportunity to attend 'In the Net'
‘In the Net‘ is a fantastically fun piece of children’s theatre that was created out of a growing need to make young people aware of internet safety and the real-world effects of cyber bullying.
Dotty has just got a shiny new iPad, but she’s not being too safe online. She’s posting personal information, chatting to strangers and making rude comments about school friends. When her behaviour results in her being pulled into the computer, Dotty finds herself caught ‘In the Net’ and she must go on a hero’s journey – a journey to find out how to be safer and nicer to people online.
The play has been seen by thousands of children around the UK and has proven highly effective at covering
  • Safe Internet/Social Media Use 
  • Keeping personal information safe
  • The effects of cyber-bullying on others
  • What to do if you are being cyber-bullied 
  • What to do when you get that ‘Uh-Oh!’ feeling
  • What makes a Healthy Relationship
  • What to do if you have questions or concerns
Computing - Summer 2022
In Chestnut, the children have been having Computing lessons. The children have been learning how to create a PowerPoint. This has involved typing text, making new slides, inserting pictures and shapes, as well as making text bold, italic and underlined.
2023-2024 Learning 
Autumn 2 Learning 
Children in Year 1 have been learning about programming and how to use a Bee-bot.
Children in Year 2 have been using laptops to play games on scratch and the importance of clear, precise algorithms. 
Autumn Term 1 2023

Year 1 children will learn what the internet is, how to use it safely and know what to do when someone says something unkind online. We will create our own ’Online Safety top tips poster’ for keeping safe online.

Year 2 children will learn how information put online can last a long time and will find out about who to talk to if something has been put online without consent or if it is incorrect.

Year 2 children will learn what happens to information which is posted online and know who to talk to if something is shared that makes them feel sad or worried. We will discuss who we can talk to if something has been put online without consent.


Year 3 children will learn how the internet can be used to share beliefs, opinions and facts. We will discuss what affect the internet has on someone mood.

2022-2023 Learning 
Safer Internet Day 2023
Tuesday 7th February  is 'Safer Internet Day' the children will take part in learning based activities around the theme ‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online'.
The event is coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre, the celebration sees thousands of organisations get involved to promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people. In the UK, we are celebrating by putting children and young people’s voices at the heart of the day and encouraging them to shape the online safety support that they receive.
This year we are hoping to answer the following questions:
What issues really matter to children and young people?
What changes do they want to see?
How can we all work together to advocate for them moving forward?
To celebrate Internet Safety Day, as computing lead I would like for the children to create a colourful and informative poster which explains how to keep safe online!
Please can children complete their posters at home and send them into school by Wednesday 15th February.
For more information please visit -
Chestnut Spring 2
Unit: Algorithms Unplugged
In this unit we have found out how to write clear algorithms, and explain what input and outputs are, identify bugs in an algorithm and how to fix them,
Willow Class Autumn Term 2022-2023
have have been learning how to program micro-bits and using their coding skills to clip blocks together and predict what will happen. They have been able to make connections from previous programming interfaces they’ve used, e.g. Scratch. They created their own images to make the animation and recognise the difference between ‘on start’ and ‘forever’. They chose appropriate blocks to complete the program and attempt the challenges independently. 
Autumn Term 2 2022
Today we practised logging onto the computer using our username and password. We then used Google to access the website ‘sketchpad’. The children explored the different tools such as, shape, pencil, colour and fill.
Autumn Term 2020
Chestnut class have started to explore and learn about algorithms. Using Beebots has allowed them to also explore the concept of debugging.
Y2 have been using our class Kindles to carry out research about animals. They have been learning about Animals including humans in Science, so learning about how to research on the internet has really enhanced their learning.
Safer Internet Day 2020
Children took part in an assembly talking about how to stay safe when using the internet. Being SMART was the main focus. Children took part in a competition to design posters to inform others about the importance of safety whilst online.