School Council

School Council 2024-2025
School Council 2023 - 2024

Congratulations to our newly elected members of our School Council for this year! We look forward to hearing their ideas in meetings, where they will represent their classes. 


School Council 2022-2023
Friday 17th March 2023- RED NOSE DAY 
On Red Nose Day, our KS2 school council members decorated biscuits in order to raise money for the Red Nose Day appeal. They sold their bakes after school along with some cakes and homemade biscuits from Edith and made a brilliant £40! Well done! A big thank you to our school community for buying too. We had such a long line so next time we will make even more to sell! 
School Council 2023 
This year, we started by electing our council members. 
We wanted to start the year by fundraising so for Children in Need, we ran a basketball competition for KS1 and KS2. This raised money for the Children in Need charity- thank you to everyone who participated and paid to have a go! We had a 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each Key stage. 
In Spring 1, we had a meeting about raising money for a charity which we can't wait to do in Spring term 2! Stay tuned!
At Ellwood School, we believe that it is important for the children to have a voice and be given the opportunity to take on responsibilities linked to school improvement. 
Willow, Sycamore, Beech, Chestnut and Oak classes vote annually for two School Councillors, who represent them at our monthly School Council meetings.
Class Councils, where children discuss standing items such as their happiness and safety as well as ideas and comments for school improvements and fund raising, are held in advance of School Council meetings. The School Councillors then bring their notes from Class Councils to School Council meetings, where they are discussed further. Where possible, the children are encouraged to take responsibility for organising class and school events.
"Pupil mentors support their peers to manage their feelings and emotions. For example , they encourage pupils to use calming techniques such as magic circle to let a negative thought go. Pupils are united in their desire to be the best they can".
School Council 2021 - 2022
March 2022
The children had heard the news about the situation in Ukraine and decided that they wanted to raise money for children who are being impacted by the ongoing war. 
In our School Council meetings, the children discussed some different ways of raising money and then made a plan. 
The School Council made some Easter themed games (guess the name of the lamb teddy and guess the number of sweets in the jar) and some sweet cones to sell after school.
Overall, the children managed to raised just over £130. The money raised went to Save the Children (Ukraine Appeal). 
Well done to all of the School Council children who gave up their break times and lunch times to help make this happen! We are very proud of you! 
Congratulations to the new members of our School Council for this year. We look forward to hearing their ideas in meetings, where they will represent their classes. 
After a School Council Vote:
  • George have been elected as Chair
  • Myami as Deputy Chair
  • Cleo has been elected as Treasurer
  • Niall has been elected as Secretary
Well done! We look forward to working with you all this year! 
School Council 2020 - 2021
We would like to share our new elected chair, secretary and treasurer:
  • Riley in Year 6 has been elected as chair of School Council
  • George in Year 5 has been elected as secretary
  • Niall in Year 4 has been elected as treasurer.
We are very excited for these children to take on their new roles and we know that they will do a great job.
Sponsored Skipathon - May 2021
The School Council decided that they wanted to hold a sponsored event to raise money for the school and also a charity. The School Council went back to their classes to share this and to ask their class friends to think about what charity we would like to donate money to. As a School Council, we took these ideas and eventually voted on raising money for the Dean Farm Trust in Chepstow; a local charity with an animal sanctuary who rescue farm animals from slaughter or abuse. 
The School Council worked hard over the weeks to organise a Sponsored Skipathon! They even booked a workshop with the popular Dan the Skipping Man who came in to teach us how to skip and provided all children across the school with a skipping rope to keep! 
Everyone began practising their skipping ready for our Sponsored Skipathon challenge. 
On Friday 28th May, all children took part in the Skipathon where Ellwood School skipped for the whole school day! At the end of the day, the children were rewarded with an ice-cream for their amazing efforts! 
Some children won some great prizes, for the most amount of sponsors, the most amount of money raised and most effort shown.
We are very proud to announce that we raised an amazing £2048.70. We were very excited to donate £500 of this to Dean Farm Trust. The remainder of the money has gone to helping pay for whole school trips and experiences! 
Well done everyone and a massive thank you to those who sponsored us! 

Congratulations to our newly elected members of our School Council for this year! We look forward to hearing their ideas in meetings, where they will represent their classes.