Year 6 2023-24

Welcome to Year 6, 2023-24
We have all made a super start to Year 6! 
  • Mrs Woodhouse

    Y6 Teacher

  • Mrs Genner-Morris

    Y6 Teaching Assistant

  • Miss Fiona Strathern

    1:1 Teaching Assistant

Internet Safety - September 2023
Y6 were fortunate enough to have a visit from PC Steer, who came in to school to talk about the importance of staying safe online. The children were engaged at all times and thought of lots of questions to ask. PC Steer will be visiting again in the spring term, which the children are looking forward to. 
Science - Animals including humans
Y6 have been learning about the circulatory system and how important it is. They have carried out experiments to find out if exercise increases the heart rate. 
Sweet Memories
Five year 6 children took part in an activity with older members of the community at The Main Place. The project was called 'Sweet Memories' and the children made sweets and the group shared memories from the past. The objective was to help people understand memory loss in older people. The children thoroughly enjoyed their time talking and making crafts throughout the morning.